That mound of Earth
A snail, a
fox, a horse's trot
A bud, a
bloom, a drooping petal
A sapling, a
trunk, branches
delicate shoots green
A leaf,
cluster, yellow and fall
A flower, a
fruit , green and ripe
A road, a
hump , a destination
A river, a
bank, and a flow
The sea, the
endless grain of sand
The gentle
breeze, the endless days
The moon
waxing and waning
The rains, a
drizzle and a torrent
The sun warm
and burning
which run the test of time
The crawl, a
stumble, a run
A walk, a
stumble and a pain.
I have
walked miles painlessly
I now walk
I do not
punctuate today
For I need
Language is
a need
Sometimes inadequate
Most of the
times incomplete
Yet I search
in language
wounds, deep anxieties
pursuits, untraced roads
words, misused emotions
relationships, hope and fear
Which have
no language
I return to
stares and sounds
And learn to
talk all over again
I return to
the origins for meanings.
Eyeing that
mound of earth
Which will
be my home for eternity
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